MEV Newsletter: senior technical Know-How on machine vision hard- and software
I made up my mind to publish a somehow regular newsletter on, in the meantime my hobby, machine-vision-interfaces. Being now a free agent, again present in IVSM meetings, the GenICam working group and visiting shows with machine vision technology I feel I can add some of my single-senior-experience-view to the daily mainstream machine-vision-marketing news:
High speed image transmission with the focus on reliable data delivery (to distinguish from secure data, as reliable data can still be hacked), open 2 page PDF
legal contracts for custom development in the electronic design- and manufacturing industry
clearly isolate customer- and deliverer-KnowHow to set the level of expectation right in these contracts
legal identification and technical integration of 3rd-party IP, e.g. FPGA cores from XILINX Inc., in customer projects and contracts
legal identification and technical integration of existing customer KnowHow into standards, like e.g. GigEVision®, and separate/defend this KnowHow from other standards and patents
and, at the end, convert the customer KnowHow into extended customer branding and sales
which worked out for our customers over all the years of operation, never had any issues with legal authorities and was one of the main reasons of the successful exit at S2I. While the financial world is picking up these thoughts these days as well as e.g. "patent-valuation" , we can offer a practical and economic path, especially to small- and mid-sized-companies, with the added ideas of:
focused on and experienced in machine vision: identify "unknown" or unfinished KnowHow at the client company
consider standards as intermediate or maybe even better KnowHow protection and short term sales booster for the client company
use the international standards of ISO/IEC and ITE as a free KnowHow protection with a client company adapted patent/standards comparison
to all interested companies around the world with a more details available in this PDF. If that looks good to you, please have a look at our standardized kick-off program
MEV general services:
we offer
machine vision consulting- and implementation services
FPGA consulting- and implementation services
open-source IT consulting, implementation and administration
general administration-, finance- and operations services
to start-up's, foreign- as local-companies, who are interested in the German speaking market with the main motivation to use the small team of MEV because of it's long-term experience with authorities, banks, deliverers in the German speaking market. With these services we will use the established tools and contacts, which are used to run MEV in itself, so we can offer the most efficient delivery-time and cost to you.
Interested in any MEV service? Please let us know at for more details!
All rights reserved: MEV GmbH, DE-Schongau, 2017-2023